Monthly Archives: February 2016

Steve Sailer: Rubio, Cruz Denounce Trump for Failing to Denounce KKK, Bavarian Illuminati, and Knights Templar

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Cruz and Rubio are getting more and more ridiculous as they watch their “presidential” hopes drain away. As typical cuckservatives notice how they go straight to the Democratic Party playbook of name calling – racist! … Continue reading

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Senator Sessions Endorses Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This is a BFD! Trump is really assembling a coalition of both flanks of the GOP. And there is nobody stronger than Sessions on immigration. May Trump win big! PS: CNN and MSNBC carrying Trump’s … Continue reading

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WP: Former CIA director: Military may refuse to follow Trump’s orders if he becomes president

Are terrorists like ISIS signatories to the Geneva Convention? If not, they’re not covered. You can do anything to them and to their families. Washington Post: Former CIA director Michael Hayden believes there is a legitimate possibility that the U.S. … Continue reading

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If Trump Is Elected President, Will He Care If Israel Expels Its Arabs?

Why would a President Trump care if Israel expelled its Muslims? He wouldn’t. Israel, under a Trump presidency, will have a free hand. They may well gather strength from the experience of the other. There are many advantages to America … Continue reading

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WP: What does it say about the GOP that Trump is the white supremacists’ candidate?

Rachel Maddow writes: “Donald Trump is not a racist, but Donald Trump is not afraid. Don’t vote for a Cuban, vote for Donald Trump.” This is not the first white supremacist pro-Trump robocall by a group calling itself “American National … Continue reading

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