Monthly Archives: February 2016

Who Watches Fox News?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * FOX News viewers aren’t SWPLs; they’re old people. The median age of Bill O’Reilly’s show is about 70 (hence all the ads for Cialis, reverse mortgages, and catheters). Those people aren’t the next generation of … Continue reading

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Does Government Prodding Tempt Muslims Into Committing Terrorism?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “The focus of the article is on the danger of the government convicting somebody who isn’t much of a threat to commit terrorism. There’s another side of the coin, of course, but that goes unmentioned: … Continue reading

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What’s Ahead For The Elections?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You are forgetting that Trump has avoided attacking Rubio thus far in the election. Trump has gone after Jeb and Cruz instead. I think Trump will change tactic and go after Rubio realizing he is … Continue reading

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Does California Need High Speed Rail?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Besides the staggering building costs, the problem here is density. California lacks it. We are not Japan. Therefore, high speed rain in California is a nice idea only; since once you reach your destination (unless … Continue reading

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Tom Wolfe On Freud

Stuart Schneiderman writes: In a 2006 lecture he delivered at the National Endowment for the Humanities, Tom Wolfe offered some remarks about Freud. I report them without commentary. First: In medical terms, Freud is now considered a quack. But his … Continue reading

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