Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Majority Of Rapists In America Are Democrats

From the Chateau: Graphic and post title courtesy of Twatter squatters @LibrarianofHate and @SOBL1, respectively. Great job, boys. The number of Dinducrat rapists is even more starkly disproportionate than this graphic indicates (which is based on absolute numbers), once you … Continue reading

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‘This Guy!’


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Spot The Bush Family Beta

From the Chateau: ¡Jeb! Bush…. needy, desperate, cloying, approval-seeking beta since his inception. “Come on, Dad, why are you letting George have Laura over but I can’t bring Columba? Why? WHY??!” “Jesus, son, do I have to spell it out? … Continue reading

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Lean In, Lose Love

From the Chateau: During the Victorian era, men would sometimes hand out spinster shaming cards like these to ugly and unfeminine women on Valentine’s Day (any feminists reading this ought to consult a head asplosion doctor before continuing further): Women … Continue reading

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Winter Is Trumping

Washington Post: A few months ago, we brought you “Darth Trump,” a mashup of Star Wars inserting Trump’s face and voice rather seamlessly on to Darth’s body. It worked, but it was also a little too on-the-nose. Enter Trump-as-Game-of-Thrones character, … Continue reading

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