Monthly Archives: February 2016

‘Black Power Icon Nina Simone’

Listening to NPR this morning, I heard a promotion for a Netflix documentary on “black power icon Nina Simone.” I wonder if white power icons like David Duke would receive similarly respectful treatment? Why is black power beautiful but white … Continue reading

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Germany 2016

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Rubio Could’ve Been President

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The scary thing is that Rubio could probably have won the presidential nomination if he’d just kept his mouth shut. He was pretty pro-open borders while in the Florida legislature, and his patrons would have … Continue reading

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SWPL: Trains, Not Buses

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What about the level of safety/social order on your mode of transport? Public transport in Hong Kong is easy to deal with partly because it’s almost entirely free of crime. In the USA obviously both … Continue reading

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Whites Voting Democrat

Most whites vote Republican but there are exceptions. Comments: * There are still significant white demographics voting Democratic. Almost 60% of Polish, Irish, and Swedish Americans and almost 65% of Italian Americans and 70% of Jewish Americans voted for Obama … Continue reading

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