Monthly Archives: February 2016

Steve Sailer: Why Bernie’s Free Stuff Platform Won’t Carry South Carolina Blacks

Steve Sailer writes: In theory, Bernie Sanders’ platform of Free Stuff ought to appeal to black Democratic voters in South Carolina today. But in black politics, in both America and Africa, 19th Century European socialist logic doesn’t have much emotional … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Trump and the Tangible

Steve Sailer writes: Marco Rubio’s latest tactic is to denounce Donald Trump as a “con man,” pointing especially to the risible Trump University venture. But a problem with this line of assault is that the landscape is full of giant … Continue reading

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Blacks Bury Bernie In South Carolina

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Another in the long line of warnings: true ethnic diversity is worst for Jews. * According to exit polls, Hillary won 84% of the black vote. Which isn’t surprising. Why would any black person vote … Continue reading

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Iowa students admonished for “Trump!” chants at hoops game

No wonder the old lefties are scared! Americans are discovering that they have group interests. Just like Jews think about what’s good for the Jews and blacks think about what is good for blacks, Americans are starting to think about … Continue reading

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Jewish Editor: Trump’s America is bad, very bad, for the Jews

Here is Andy’s self-description: “Andrew Silow-Carroll is the editor in chief and CEO of the New Jersey Jewish News, an award-winning weekly newspaper published in four editions and on the web. He was previously the managing editor of the Forward … Continue reading

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