Daily Archives: January 26, 2016

Are we ready to learn the hard lessons from Cologne?

That’s the first question I ask girls on Tinder these days — Hey sweetie, are we ready to learn the hard lessons from Cologne? By Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman: Nobody has adequately zeroed in on the underlying triple … Continue reading

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WATCH: ‘Angela Merkel You Have Killed Germany!’ – 16 Year Old Girl’s Migrant Fears Video That Some Claim Facebook Are ‘Censoring’

From Breitbart: “Please help us!… It is… very hard to live day-to-day as a woman” says 16 year old Bibi Wilhailm, a German girl who has uploaded her personal experiences of Arab and Muslim migrants in a new video that … Continue reading

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The War On Noticing

Comments to Steve Sailer: * That is so funny. The researchers didn’t think that what non-whites think would be of any importance and so didn’t even bother to interview them. They automatically bypassed them as though they were invisible. * … Continue reading

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Betting & Sports

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The only purpose of a point spread is to ensure that a roughly equal amount of money is best on both teams. Well, usually that’s what a book wants, and sometimes not, and how often … Continue reading

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How Did Nate Silver Miss The Rise Of Donald Trump?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s really very simple! Best forecasting is able to remove most personal biases. Nate knows it very well. Alas, it is very hard to do in practice. There is no defending him on this: he … Continue reading

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