Daily Archives: January 14, 2016

Neocon flap highlights Jewish divide

Good stuff from 2008: WASHINGTON (IPS) – A mushrooming media controversy pitting neoconservatives against a prominent Jewish-American political commentator could mark a new stage in the growing battle over who speaks for the US Jewish community on foreign policy issues, … Continue reading

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THR: Oscar Nominees Include Zero Nonwhite Actors

Jews have dominated Hollywood for a century. As a Jew, I’m glad this doesn’t generate pushback. News: For the second year in a row, the Academy did not nominate any black actors to any of the 20 slots in the … Continue reading

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Why He Won’t Vote For Donald Trump

Peter Wehner writes in the New York Times: “During the course of this campaign he has repeatedly revealed his ignorance on basic matters of national interest — the three ways the United States is capable of firing nuclear weapons (by … Continue reading

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‘Rare piece of Islamic art rescued from ISIS destruction’

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Steve Sailer: GOP Promises Different Immigration Policies in English and Spanish

Steve Sailer writes: From the Miami Herald: In GOP State of the Union responses, different messages in English and Spanish on immigration @PatriciaMazzei The Conservative Treehouse puts Gov. Nikki Haley’s English version and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart’s Spanish-language version in an … Continue reading

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