Daily Archives: January 1, 2016

White Distress

Author David Berreby writes: In the past two years, non-whites have succeeded as never before in changing the terms of debates that once excluded or deprecated their points of view. This has changed both formal rules of conduct (for police, … Continue reading

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The Stereotype Threat

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bill Cosby demonstrated that the ‘stereotype’ of the black rapist was more valid than the ‘role model’ of Dr. Huxtable. * Larry Bird has described his bout with stereotype threat when he arrived at pro … Continue reading

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The Librarian Of Hate

He describes himself on Twitter: “#hatefacts about race, religion, IQ, #HumanBiodiversity, and more.” Some of his latest tweets, which all link to academic studies: * Colonialism was the West’s gift to the world. * As many as 50% of rural … Continue reading

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Happy New Year

* Post: The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s secretary, Rabbi Nissan Mindel, during the 70’s would often find himself in the Rebbe’s office. Once, he was in the office during the eve of the secular New Year. When the twelve o’clock arrived, the … Continue reading

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