Monthly Archives: January 2016

Haaretz: Book Ban: Israel’s New Mainstreaming of Racial Separation

Racial separation is the most natural thing in the world. It’s a common theme throughout Torah — separating Jews from Gentiles, kosher food from trafe food, holiness from impurity, sacred time from secular time, adults from children, men from women. … Continue reading

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Life As A Deeply Closeted Orthodox Rabbi

Some Orthodox rabbis are impossible to understand until you realize that they are deeply closeted gay men. Sure, they might have wives and children, but at heart, they feel a romantic and sexual tug towards males. They may never act … Continue reading

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WP: Unhappy in Europe, some Iraqis return home

Comment: The story reports on “refugees” who are unhappy in Europe and decide to go home. It’s interesting in several ways, not least of which is the approach taken by the reporter: She writes sympathetically about the refugees, thus avoiding … Continue reading

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Black Underclass Runs Riot, Elects Donald Trump

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The black underclass has been allowed to run rampant across the nation, because police have all but stopped patrolling black underclass portions of American cities. It’s only going to get worse as Obama and the … Continue reading

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‘The USA is the ONLY country I have ever been to where immigration does NOT check you out of the country. Why?’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A biometric ID for all persons in the United States, citizens and non-citizens alike, is the answer. It would be produced whenever you use a credit card, cash a check, etc. * Here’s an idea … Continue reading

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