Monthly Archives: January 2016


This new movie is about a bored old married white guy who gets drunk late at night in a hotel in Cincinnati and supposedly finds meaning and purpose and joy in a one-night fling with a fan. Vox: “Their romance … Continue reading

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We’re All Human Beings

Cleveland Jewish News: When Donald J. Trump announced a proposal for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until the country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” criticism poured in. The condemnation came swiftly … Continue reading

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W.Va. rabbi says Trump is speaking to “small group of people” with Muslim ban proposal

REPORT: “It speaks of the broader problem that our country always has to fight against and that is ignorance, hatred and xenophobia,” said Rabbi Victor Urecki, longtime rabbi and spiritual leader with the B’nai Jacob Synagogue in Charleston. “He is … Continue reading

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How Donald Trump Stole Hanukkah

Rabbi Aaron Panken writes for HuffPo: “With Donald Trump’s suggestion of banning all Muslims from entering the United States, people of good conscience must raise the alarm. This was not some insignificant hate-monger speaking to a limited band of fanatics … Continue reading

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‘Rabbi for Trump’ Gets Behind The Donald on Facebook

From the Forward: On Facebook there are “Rabbis for Human Rights,” “Rabbis for Bernie” and, until recently, “Rabbis for Hillary.” Now, these groups are joined by a rabbinical flag-bearer for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. The controversial GOP front-runner’s fiery … Continue reading

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