Monthly Archives: January 2016

The New Stock

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I had a while back a conversation with a Swedish girl doing volunteer work in Africa. She had come to visit friends in a dangerous African city and traveled alone. Even on the Swedish scale … Continue reading

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‘No blacks, no Asians’ on Grindr shows how racist gay men actually are

Comment: “A Gay Indian man is complaining that a lot of Gay White guys on dating sites are not open to dating men from his race. Wow Indian men really are seen as extremely undesirable in the American dating market. … Continue reading

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Affirmative Action’s Real Damage Is To Whites, Asians, And America

John Reid writes: Donald Trump has shifted the Overton Window, soaring to the top of the polls while championing issues the political class believed were off-limits. But even Trump seemed to side with the Left in deploring Justice Antonin Scalia’s … Continue reading

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Aboriginal Violence & Censorship

Vesna Tenodi emails: Dear Luke, I came across your post about Australian Aborigines, found the article interesting, and the links informative. I am an archaeologist and artist, based in Sydney, used to have a gallery in the Blue Mountains, now … Continue reading

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Is Trump Hitler?

Paul Gottfried writes: Lately I’ve been looking at the nasty stuff that the neocon-Republican establishment has been throwing at the Donald to bring down his poll numbers. Some of it is so ridiculous that it points not to any failing … Continue reading

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