Monthly Archives: January 2016

Donald Trump Game

From the Chateau: Check out this video of O’Cuckly interviewing Trump yesterday about Trump’s wise decision to forego the FoxNews GOP debate moderated by the extremely biased and unprofessional shit stirrer Megyn Kelly, (skip to 14:25). TRUMP: Don’t ask me … Continue reading

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Can’t Stump The Trump

From the Chateau: Johnny Redux explains, “Trump has so much game, and the general public (and especially libtards) have not seen great game in a White male public figure (especially a politician) in such a long time (maybe a generation), … Continue reading

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The Two Paths

From the Chateau: From what looks to be a late 19th Century pamphlet advising women to heed the approach of The Wall and to abstain from the life of a dissolute party girl, (h/t @KaliYugaSurf): Our ancestors were wise. There … Continue reading

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The Lessons Of The OJ Simpson Acquittal

Steve Sailer writes: For crimethinkers, however, the O.J. case offered a cornucopia of insights: – If blacks get themselves all worked up over the putative racist injustices of a particular case, it will probably turn out to be a factual … Continue reading

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Comedian Harmonists (1997 film)

I begin Friday reading this New York Times article: Israel, Mired in Ideological Battles, Fights on Cultural Fronts JERUSALEM — There have been fights over books, music, plays, funding for the arts and academic awards. This being Israel, they have … Continue reading

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