Monthly Archives: January 2016

‘White police-officer shot by black Muslim in the name of Islam’

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Authorities say a Philadelphia police officer is recovering after he was shot several times during an ambush late Thursday night in West Philadelphia. Philadelphia police commissioner Richard Ross says the officer, identified as 33-year-old Jesse Hartnett, was … Continue reading

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Sweet Exiles

Professor Albert S. Lindemann writes in his book Anti-Semitism Before the Holocaust: “In both the Italian and Hungarian cases, the relatively low levels of anti-Semitism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries can be related to the perception of the … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Catfishing’ over love interest might have spurred U-Va. gang-rape debacle

Steve Sailer writes: A lot of effort has been put into stuffing the UVA – Rolling Stone gang rape on broken glass hate hoax down the Memory Hole by making the scandal seem as boring and technical as imaginable: mistakes … Continue reading

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Joseph & The Egyptians

From the Chayenu on Torah portion Vayigash: “The last section of the parashah describes how Joseph prepared Egypt and its populace for the eventual enslavement of the Jewish people. This servitude had been foretold to Abraham in the ‘Covenant between … Continue reading

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The Inconvenience of Rapey Refugees

Rod Dreher writes: Well, well, well: Deutsche Welle reports something ‘politically awkward’: City authorities identified some suspects in the Cologne New Year’s Eve attacks as asylum seekers from Syria, detaining or questioning some of them, according to reports by local … Continue reading

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