Monthly Archives: January 2016

Steve Sailer: Baltimore’s Homicide Record in 2015: a Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, Inside an Enigma

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Baltimore’s homicide numbers were trending up before Freddie Gray (great article from 2013), while the population of the city was decreasing each year. Indianapolis has has no serious problems with the BLM movement, and yet … Continue reading

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Study: Libs Really Do Suffer From A Case Of “My Feels”

From the Chateau: The stereotype of liberals as emotionally underdeveloped children who feel first and think later now has support from the very entity liberals have raised to divine status: SCIENCE! Liberals and conservatives exhibit different cognitive styles and converging … Continue reading

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To Succeed In Talk Radio

Reddit: “I am a news reporter at a conservative radio station. This is part of a document my boss asked me to read.” The Lund Talk Radio Stylebook Page 4 of 50 To succeed, a talk show host must perpetuate … Continue reading

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Chaim Amalek: “Is there an app like this for racially conscious white people?”

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‘A key Thatcher adviser was Alfred Sherman’

Comment: A key Thatcher adviser was Alfred Sherman – another interesting guy who went as far as iSteve and then well beyond. “As for the lumpen proletariat, coloured people and the Irish, let’s face it, the only way to hold … Continue reading

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