Monthly Archives: January 2016

The White Oscars

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If you want a vision of the future, imagine a black person getting in your face – forever. * America is a great country that we can all have our own tastes and be completely … Continue reading

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Who Will Live & Who Will Die?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You are right about the USA, Dumbo. It is indeed finished and in the lifetime of some of us who are not yet seventy. How we loath those who did this to a once beautiful … Continue reading

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The Welfare Trait

Dr. James Thompson writes about this new book: Adam Perkins is a Lecturer in the Neurobiology of Personality at Kings College, which probably means the old Institute of Psychiatry, world centre of psycho-research, where half an hour in the canteen … Continue reading

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STATUS ANXIETY Tell the truth about benefit claimants and the left shuts you down

Toby Young writes: Next month sees the release of Trumbo, a biopic about Dalton Trumbo, the screenwriter who was blacklisted by the Hollywood studios after refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947. Trumbo continued to work … Continue reading

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My Year of Terror and Abuse Teaching at a NYC High School

By Maureen Callahan, New York Post, January 17, 2016 In 2008, Ed Boland, a well-off New Yorker who had spent 20 years as an executive at a nonprofit, had a midlife epiphany: He should leave his white-glove world, the galas … Continue reading

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