Monthly Archives: January 2016

Why The Jews?

I converted to Judaism because I believed that Jews carried the burden of God in history and I wanted to join that project. I converted in 1993 after several years of study. One of the books that most influenced me … Continue reading

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How an Obscure Adviser to Pat Buchanan Predicted the Wild Trump Campaign in 1996

Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Week, January 16, 2016: [S]ooner or later, as the globalist elites seek to drag the country into conflicts and global commitments, preside over the economic pastoralization of the United States, manage the delegitimization of our own … Continue reading

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The Alienation Blues

Comments to Steve Sailer: * But some people can’t get ’nuff of those Alienation Blues. Take the snooty Bengali-American writer Jhumpa Lahiri. She was born in the UK but left for the States at the age of two where her … Continue reading

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LAT: The Latino vote is bigger and better educated than ever before, a new report finds

Rosalia Garcia de Flores, center, listens with others at a news conference in Pacoima launching a campaign to register Latino voters in mixed-status families. The number of Latinos eligible to vote in this year’s presidential election is 40% higher than … Continue reading

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No WWII, No Holocaust

No Hitler, no Holocaust. If Britain and France had not declared war on Germany in September of 1939, there likely would not have been a world war and therefore no Holocaust. Chaim Amalek writes: “Never been a holocaust?” OK. It … Continue reading

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