Monthly Archives: January 2016

JJ: Jewish leaders pledge to restore ethical behavior

This effort won’t make much of a difference. Jewish leadership has historically been based on wealth and scholarship. Selecting leadership primarily for “goodness” is probably not evolutionarily advantageous. Jewish historical patterns aren’t going to change on a dime. Also, consider … Continue reading

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Racial bean-counting is making schools unsafe

New York Post: Black students misbehave more often. Tragically, school administrators are so fearful of saying it that they’re being intimidated into ceding control of classrooms to violent, disruptive students. That’s the story in New York City, where serious crimes … Continue reading

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More fallout from ‘crusading Rolling Stone writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely’

Newsweek reports: On October 9, 2015, a former Philadelphia altar boy reported to the office of Dr. Stephen Mechanick to undergo a court-ordered forensic psychiatric evaluation. It took nearly three hours because the two men had a lot of ground … Continue reading

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Court Lets E.U. Nations Curb Immigrant Welfare

New York Times: BERLIN — The European Union’s top court put its thumb on the scale of one of the bloc’s most divisive issues Tuesday, ruling in effect that richer countries can limit access to welfare benefits for citizens from … Continue reading

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Human Biodiversity

Comments to Steve Sailer: * People can readily accept that different selective pressures are responsible for their favorite breed of dog’s distinctive appearance and general personality traits, but we can’t notice the same effects in humans. And naturally, any evolutionary … Continue reading

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