Monthly Archives: January 2016

Au revoir and shalom: Jews leave France in record numbers

So of course Jewish organizations push for the West to take in more Muslim refugees. From CNN: Ashdod, Israel (CNN)Yoav Krief remembers the day he knew it was time to move to Israel: January 9, 2015. It was a Friday. … Continue reading

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“El Salvador Asks Women Not to Get Pregnant Until 2018”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Interesting, given that El Salvador has the strictest abortion law in the Western Hemisphere. All abortions are always illegal and they have imprisoned women for having miscarriages. I see no alternative but for men to … Continue reading

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Was The National Review In Clear Violation Of The Law?

Justin Raimondo writes for Chronicles: The publication of a special “Stop Trump” issue of National Review was heralded in a blaze of publicity. Editor Rich Lowry appeared on Fox News and was interviewed by Trump nemesis Megyn Kelly, where he … Continue reading

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Marco Rubio Was Arrested In 1990 In A Gay Cruising Area

Comment: “Justin Raimondo reports that Marco Rubio was arrested in 1990 in a Miami Park after hours that was a notorious gay cruising area….And it gets weirder. The guy Rubio was arrested with in 1990 was sued by Miami in … Continue reading

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The Surfing Rabbi

Dennis Prager writes: I have never surfed. I am not a rabbi and I am not a Chassidic Jew. So why am I writing a foreword to Surfing Rabbi? Because Rabbi Nachum Shifren is doing wonderful work on behalf of … Continue reading

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