Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Female Orgasm

Chaim Amalek writes: “Some things are best left to women to deal with. It is no more a man’s business if a woman has an orgasm than it is a Somali’s business that Swedish American teenagers are learning torah in … Continue reading

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Michael Bloomberg Contemplates Running For President

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What does Michael Bloomberg imagine is his constituency outside of New York? Maybe: “People who want a billionaire president, but not a populist billionaire, the other kind, the kind with contempt for non-billionaires.” * I’m … Continue reading

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Is Trump Good For Israel?

A Jewish friend tells me: He is good for Israel, for sure. He’s just not good for neocons. The neocons don’t understand that because they don’t understand that they themselves are not good for Israel. They are not good for … Continue reading

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Charles Murray’s “Human Accomplishment” Database Is Now Online

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Much like this year’s Oscars, blacks have (almost entirely) boycotted Murray’s data set: only 5 entries out of 4000. * Beethoven being tied with Mozart, and Bach a close third, does sound about right, but … Continue reading

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Championship Sunday!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Don’t forget two important things about the point spread: 1) It’s not a prediction! Bookies don’t really care which team wins or by how much. 2) Ultimately, the wise guys in Vegas don’t set the … Continue reading

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