Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Legacy Of Luke Ford

On the second page of this NSFW discussion, there’s this comment: “Luke is Back has turned into such a piece of *** site. They are always stirring up fake drama like some sort of two bit Gawker. It is very … Continue reading

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Israel eyes world coalition to force social media platforms to block incitement

Hey, Jews needed free speech protection when we were driving our way to the top of the heap, but now that we’ve arrived, who really needs free speech? Sounds dangerous. I’m not sure the goyim can be trusted with free … Continue reading

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WP: A remarkably moving thing happened at a Bernie Sanders rally today in Iowa

If you are at all competent at your job, you are able to earn more than minimum wage. Everybody can give a great sob story about their life without falsifying any facts. We all suffer unfairly in individual ways. Women … Continue reading

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Egyptian therapist: Jews most sexually perverse ever

The funny thing is there is something to what she is saying. The 1994 University of Chicago sex survey of America found that Jews had more sex than any other religious group. Jews also tend to be more blunt and … Continue reading

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Awkward Christian Albums

More. 21 Awkwardly Sexual Album Covers

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