Daily Archives: December 27, 2015

Justice Vs Social Justice

Mike McDaniel writes: We often hear pundits bemoaning the sad state of America. Congress is embroiled in gridlock and nothing is getting done. Let’s put aside, just for the sake of this little missive, that Congress getting nothing done may … Continue reading

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Antiracism, Our Flawed New Religion

Black intellectual John McWhorter writes: An anthropology article from 1956 used to get around more than it does now, “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema.” Because my mother gave it to me to read when I was 13, of course what … Continue reading

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The Schlong Also Rises

Powerline blog: Donald Trump has proved himself to be a man with substantial insight into the mind of the average Republican voter, a category in which I place myself (in case that’s not obvious from my comments here over the … Continue reading

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Racial Myths and Realities

From Frontpagemag.com: * Myth #1 Japanese-Americans were put in internment camps during World War II while Italian-Americans and German-Americans were not The war against terror in the United States has caused many to warn that any erosion of civil liberties … Continue reading

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America Is Good At Assimilating White People

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “…backlash in countries with little experience of mass assimilation.” I hear this a lot from the MSM in relation to Europe’s problems with immigration. They keep saying that the USA has an advantage because we’ve … Continue reading

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