Daily Archives: December 25, 2015

A Spiritual Leader Gains Stature, Trailed by a Troubled Past

Mark Oppenheimer writes for the New York Times: PACIFIC GROVE, Calif. — In his home office overlooking Monterey Bay, Marc Gafni is trying to remake American spirituality. He reads, he writes, and he works to bring a little-known philosophy called … Continue reading

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Who doesn’t have Canada envy sometimes?

I know it constantly afflicts me, no matter how much I pray to HaShem. I just think that these sponsoring rabbis and congregations should be forced to house these Muslims in their own homes for life. Let them experience the … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Can Win New York State and All Working-Class America

Wayne Root writes: Outsiders don’t understand it. But Trump is the hero of working class New Yorkers. Always has been. We love his in-your-face moxie, chutzpah and raw, politically incorrect honesty. We love it when he destroys Jeb Bush or … Continue reading

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Remembering Edwin Edwards

Just Not Said: In 1992, Edwards ran against white power advocate and former KKK member David Duke. Edwards, referring to his own reputation as a ladies’ man, said of Duke that “the only thing we have in common is that … Continue reading

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Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is sociopathy in political form

Just Not Said: Community organizer Saul Alinsky published Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals in 1971. We’ve all heard his name, and we’ve all heard that Barack Obama is an Alinsky-ite, so it’s instructive to take a look … Continue reading

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