Daily Archives: December 22, 2015

America and the Nexus between Free Speech, Minorities and Refugees

Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzhock Adlerstein write: US Attorney General Loretta Lynch infuriated many Americans when she told a Muslim gathering that the Justice Department would “take action” against individuals who “lift the mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric.” Lynch, the highest … Continue reading

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“Brownshirts are back” as Muslim “sharia police” patrol German streets — with official approval

Ezra Levant, a smart Canadian Jewish lawyer, writes: We’ve told you before about Germany’s national suicide. About how Angela Merkel the German chancellor, wracked by liberal guilt over the Holocaust, has decided that as some sort of karmic punishment, Germany … Continue reading

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Moving To Mexico

Comments: * Mexico has immigration laws. It’s very easy to enforce them if you want to. And it’s humane, too. We don’t have byzantine bureaucracy delaying everything for decades. You can walk up to the border from Guatemala and just … Continue reading

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Islam and the West: An Irreconcilable Conflict?

Pat Buchanan writes: “I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here … and … around the world, that there is a ‘clash of civilizations.’” So said Hillary Clinton … Continue reading

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WP: Donald Trump’s ‘schlonged’: A linguistic investigation

There is no such sin as sexism or racism or homophobia. These are made-up moral categories that did not exist prior to the 20th Century. Washington Post: “Republican frontrunner Donald Trump used a campaign stop in Michigan on Monday to … Continue reading

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