Daily Archives: December 22, 2015

17 Gentle Giants Burn Beautiful Woman To Death

More diversity please! REPORT: The hunt for the killer of a 19-year-old Mississippi woman who was burned alive last year has resulted in the arrests of 17 suspected gang members, authorities said this week, though none have been directly linked … Continue reading

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When Specificity Makes A Comeback

Comment: AP Poll: Islamic State conflict voted top news story of 2015 4: MASS SHOOTINGS: Throughout the year, mass shootings brought grief to communities across the U.S. and deepened frustration over the failure to curtail them. There were 14 victims … Continue reading

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What Israel Tells Us About Affirmative Action and Race

Israel is a serious country. It has to be or it will die. America is increasingly a frivolous country. Sigal Alon writes: There is a country with a race-neutral, class-based affirmative action policy that is large enough to study: Israel. … Continue reading

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The Atlantic: The New Preschool Is Crushing Kids

The Atlantic: “Because so few adults can remember the pertinent details of their own preschool or kindergarten years, it can be hard to appreciate just how much the early-education landscape has been transformed over the past two decades. The changes … Continue reading

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How a rebellious scientist uncovered the surprising truth about stereotypes

Claire Lehmann writes: At the back of a small room at Coogee Beach, Sydney, I sat watching as a psychologist I had never heard of paced the room gesticulating. His voice was loud. Over six feet tall, his presence was … Continue reading

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