Daily Archives: December 10, 2015


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The Tribal Addiction

When Jews like Thomas Friedman start talking like teenagers, it signals a tribal addiction uninformed by Torah and completely lacking respect for the host civilization. The whole “Banning Muslim immigration is a win for ISIS” is as childish as it … Continue reading

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Will France Regain Itself?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * My favorite response to Front National’s electoral victory was Sarkozy’s response that he understands the “exasperation of all those who are afraid that their identity and way of life is being treated with disdain”. Well, … Continue reading

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Dr. Patrick Chavis — player in reverse discrimination case

I would prefer to not go to an affirmative action doctor. Washington Post 2002: Patrick Chavis, a former Los Angeles area physician whose medical career was cited by both supporters and opponents of affirmative action as evidence for their case, … Continue reading

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Netanyahu criticizes Trump for advocating what Israel does

How easy is it for Muslims to move to Israel? Washington Post: Donald Trump is postponing his trip to Israel, originally planned for later this month, until “after I become President” of the United States. That trip had been scheduled … Continue reading

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