Daily Archives: December 9, 2015

White Nationalist and Anti-Muslim Fringe Embrace Trump Proposal

Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie, BuzzFeed, December 8, 2015: A coalition of America’s top white nationalists again praised an initiative from Republican front-runner Donald Trump, this time praising his plan to restrict Muslim immigration to the United States. In what … Continue reading

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National Security Profiling (Of Ethnicity, Nationality And Religion) Is a No-Brainer

Michelle Malkin writes: Calm down and think, America. While everyone’s undies are in a bunch over Donald Trump’s proposal for a Muslim immigration moratorium, it is undeniable in a time of “heightened alert“—when violent jihadists have no problem targeting their … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday To Ann Coulter!

Ann Coulter writes: For my best birthday gift this week, Donald Trump called for blocking Muslim immigration to the United States. If he throws in all immigration, it will be my merriest Christmas ever. By contrast, the eunuchs running against … Continue reading

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Netanyahu condemns Trump’s Muslim ban

REPORT: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that he rejects Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. “The state of Israel respects all religion and strictly adheres to the rights of all its citizens,” he … Continue reading

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Former Adult Actress Miss Genocide Says James Deen Choked Her Until She Blacked Out

Does a porn actress named Miss Genocide trivialize the Holocaust and should we boycott her films? Is James Deen a shanda for the goyim? Is it time for Jews to boycott James Deen’s films, not count him in a minyan, … Continue reading

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