Daily Archives: December 6, 2015

Why isn’t Israel accepting more refugees?

Despite considerable pressure from outside and in, Israel’s government stands firm in its commitment to take no Syrian refugees. All nationalists should admire Israel’s dedication to its best interests. The Jewish state is an ethno-state, perhaps the most successful ethno-state … Continue reading

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Is sociopathy an illness?

I wonder how many people who read this essay will grasp its implications? There’s no way that people who have evolved in different places are going to have identical abilities. Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: Is sociopathy an illness? We often … Continue reading

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Why Is AIPAC Silent on Syrian Refugees?

Like much of America, Jewish organizations have become increasingly inward and tribal over the past 40 years. Peter Beinart writes: Many American Jewish groups balance the Holocaust’s tribal and universal lessons. The most powerful one doesn’t even try. The last … Continue reading

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Why Russian-Jewish Refugees are Different From Syrian Refugees

Yuri Kruman writes: In a recent op-ed entitled “I’m a Russian-born American Jew. My people’s rejection of Syrian refugees breaks my heart,” Ilya Lozovsky slanderously paints all Russian Jews as fascist hypocrites for failing to join his crusade to resettle … Continue reading

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Israel Shows Us How To Deal With Unwanted Refugees

Israel is a light unto the nations with its serious commitment to its survival. Part of that commitment means keeping out people who are incompatible with a Jewish state. Would that America was similarly pragmatic. Black Africans are incompatible with … Continue reading

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