Monthly Archives: December 2015

Different Diets Work Differently For Different People

Steve Sailer writes: The existence of human biodiversity shouldn’t be such a startling new insight, but I guess it is. It ought to be obvious by now that different people flourish or decay on different diets. And yet we constantly … Continue reading

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The Religion Of Peace

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Terrorism tally in the West for one week: 1) The murder of 14 Americans in San Bernardino. 2) Muslim man stabs 3 people in London, screaming “This is for Syria!” 3) Jordanian immigrant to the … Continue reading

Posted in France, Islam | Comments Off on The Religion Of Peace

Israel’s Government and U.S. Democrats: Parallel Universes, Drifting Apart

Republicans are solidly with Israel, Democrats increasingly less so. From Haaretz: Remarks made by representatives of the Israeli right at the Saban Forum this week left their American listeners with feelings that ranged between frustration, shock and helplessness. WASHINGTON – … Continue reading

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Refugees in Israel Fear They Could All Be Targets of Next Lynch Mob

To survive as a civilization, you have to exclude others, otherwise you get swamped. Israel is making the tough decisions it has to to survive. Will America and Europe get real? Israel does not need any more low-IQ non-Jews in … Continue reading

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What Syria’s refugees think about Israel might surprise you

Jews and Muslims are antagonists. Why would you expect anything else? Imagine looking at the world if your IQ was 83. You’d be suspicious and surly too and prone to conspiracy theories. Do you think Europe and America and Australia … Continue reading

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