Monthly Archives: December 2015

Five Police Officers Claim Donald Trump Is Right About Parts of London Being So ‘Radicalised’ They Are No-Go Areas

Martin Robinson, Daily Mail, December 9, 2015 Serving police officers today backed Donald Trump’s claim that some Muslim communities in the UK are no-go areas because of extremism. Several Met officers have said the ‘Islamification’ of some parts of the … Continue reading

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Plan to Bar Foreign Muslims by Donald Trump Might Survive a Lawsuit

Charlie Savage, New York Times, December 8, 2015: When Donald J. Trump called on Monday for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” many legal scholars were aghast and said that such a ban would certainly … Continue reading

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Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds of Likely GOP Primary Voters Back Trump’s Muslim Ban

John McCormick, Bloomberg Politics, December 9, 2015: Almost two-thirds of likely 2016 Republican primary voters favor Donald Trump’s call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while more than a third say it makes them more likely to vote … Continue reading

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White Nationalist and Anti-Muslim Fringe Embrace Trump Proposal

Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie, BuzzFeed, December 8, 2015: A coalition of America’s top white nationalists again praised an initiative from Republican front-runner Donald Trump, this time praising his plan to restrict Muslim immigration to the United States. In what … Continue reading

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National Security Profiling (Of Ethnicity, Nationality And Religion) Is a No-Brainer

Michelle Malkin writes: Calm down and think, America. While everyone’s undies are in a bunch over Donald Trump’s proposal for a Muslim immigration moratorium, it is undeniable in a time of “heightened alert“—when violent jihadists have no problem targeting their … Continue reading

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