Monthly Archives: December 2015

Donald Trump’s views on Islam consistent with the warnings of Rabbi Meir Kahane

Blog: Rabbi Meir Kahane was murdered by Muslims while giving a speech in New York many years ago. Kahane would have to be one of the best experts on Middle Eastern policy ever heard. Kahane was a legitimate right wing … Continue reading

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Islamic Rape & Violence In Rotherham

The Guardian: A teenage girl abused by the Rotherham grooming ring was forced into daily sexual relations with men for years and used as a commodity to settle her abuser’s debts, a court has heard. The girl, who was in … Continue reading

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California’s Bleak Trajectory

From American Thinker: Victor Davis Hanson, whose family has lived in California for generations, has written a new book. Jarrett Stepman of Breitbart reviewed The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction, where Hanson paints a stark picture … Continue reading

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Where’s The Outrage?

Countries refusing Israelis: Algeria Bangladesh Brunei Iran Iraq (except Iraqi Kurdistan) Kuwait Lebanon Libya Malaysia Oman Pakistan Saudi Arabia Sudan Syria United Arab Emirates Yemen

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Intelligence & The Class Room

Linda Gottfredson writes: As James A. Kulik of the University of Michigan reported in the Handbook of Gifted Education (2003), “On the basis of site visits, experts have concluded that untracking brings no guarantee of high-quality instruction for everyone but … Continue reading

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