Monthly Archives: December 2015

NPR: How Billionaire Techies Hope To Reshape The Immigration Debate

Know your enemy and when you can, take revenge. NPR: The immigration-reform advocacy group founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg — (pronounced “forward U.S.”) — and funded by fellow Silicon Valley entrepreneurs including Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer … Continue reading

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Salon: Was planning a march against violence against women an inherently racist undertaking?

From 1999: There is one person on the planet whom I can honestly say I hate. This in spite of two and a half years of lovingkindness meditation. I’m not talking about the profound yet somehow abstract hatred you feel … Continue reading

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Marrying Your Way Up The Academic Ladder

BLOG: I read with great interest in today’s Careerist column about Harvard Law School granting tenure to Professor Jeannie Suk.  Vivia Chen stated that she was surprised to learn that Professor Suk was the first Asian-American woman granted tenure at … Continue reading

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National Front Fails To Win In France

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Reading the French media as best I can, I get the sense the vacuum on the Right is sucking the Sarkozy’s party over toward the Le Pen side, which will force a crisis down the … Continue reading

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US Orthodox Jewish groups reject Trump call to bar Muslims

Jewish groups have universally lined up against Donald Trump on repeated occasions. In other words, they’re siding with the coalition of the fringe (homosexuals, blacks, trannies, latinos, Muslims, etc) against America’s white Christian core. Regular Jews, however, tend to be … Continue reading

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