Monthly Archives: December 2015

Alain Finkielkraut: Another French Cassandra

Ann Sterzinger writes: America is funny about writers. When it comes to her homegrown novelists, she ignores them in favor of topical clickbait nattering (sometimes even the novelists’ own nattering). When it comes to European writers, however, we prefer a … Continue reading

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‘Instead of telling us Trump is Hitler, tell us how mass muslim immigration makes our societies better’

Chaim Amalek writes: It is making our society better by creating the demographic basis for taking our culture back from all the homosexuals who now control it. Only Islam can do that. Remember that gay deviant Robert Mapplethorpe and his … Continue reading

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The Rise Of The Alt-Right

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One of the relatively unheralded stories of 2015 is how the Alt-Right became an independent force with the ability to come up with great memes, like cuckservative and #NRORevolt, and push them into the mainstream. … Continue reading

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Is Democracy Nationalist?

An essay from the New Zealand New Right: Both Alain De Benoist and Tomislav Sunic have written on democracy and Carl Schmitt’s interpretation of the concept. Both agree that, by Schmitt’s definition, democracy is, surprisingly enough, not anti-nationalist. According to … Continue reading

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Carl Schmitt & The Exclusion Of Difference

ESSAY: Australian racial exclusionism was taken up by German political theorist, Carl Schmitt, in the preface to the second (1926) edition of his book, The crisis of parliamentary democracy. Schmitt argued that democracy is inherently exclusionary in some way, and … Continue reading

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