Monthly Archives: December 2015

Women Against Suffrage

Helen Andrews writes: When the fight in Britain over women’s suffrage came to an end with the passage of the Representation of the People Act 1918, which enfranchised property-holding women over 30, Mary Augusta Ward was almost relieved to have … Continue reading

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Politically Correct Holy Rollers: The New Campus Revival

Helen Andrews writes: Leftism has become a religion, and what we are seeing now is a revival. The revivalists testify from behind megaphones instead of pulpits and in “safe spaces” instead of country churches, but they stand squarely within the … Continue reading

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Declining Standards in Racial Hate Hoaxes

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You have a high quality school like HLS admit students on the basis of affirmative action, and you somehow expect and demand high quality hoaxes from those students. When Alabama or LSU lowers their academic … Continue reading

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How To Police Baltimore

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Progressive whites have never been able to accept, in fact they can’t accept, that tolerating a certain level of organized crime in the ghetto (including the great white ghetto) limits the amount of disorganized crime. … Continue reading

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The Collapse Of Japan

Steve Sailer writes: “As we all know, Japan is an economic black hole with a stagnant, aging, unvibrant population. Except as various graphs by Jason Bayz suggest, Japan has been doing a pretty good job keeping the Japanese at work.” … Continue reading

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