Daily Archives: November 20, 2015

Steve Sailer: Jonathan Pollard, all-around terrible person

Steve Sailer writes in 2014: It’s testament to the power of insisting upon your version of The Narrative over and over that easily looked-up facts about the traitor Jonathan Pollard can simply be ignored. For example, rather than being an … Continue reading

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The Flight from White: Administration to Entitle Arabs to Affirmative Action Benefits

Steve Sailer writes: It’s obviously nuts for Republicans, as the de facto White Party, to agree to shrink the number of de jure whites, but Republicans never seem to get this. When you make people eligible for minority business development … Continue reading

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Pre-K Is Worthless

Gregory Cochran writes: There was a nice study of pre-K in Tennessee. People applied for pre-K , more than could be accommodated, so some were admitted (randomly) and some were not. Then the kids admitted were compared with the control … Continue reading

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Clever Sillies

Gregory Cochran writes: “I often get the feeling that bright people are particularly susceptible to moderately complicated intellectual scams, like Marx and Freud and foot reflexology.”

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Hillel students join Amherst protest against alleged bias on campus

The coalition of the fringe unites against the core. Contrary to myth, Jews and blacks have rarely had much to do with each other, you can’t find two peoples more different, but on occasion, radicals in both groups join in … Continue reading

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