Daily Archives: November 6, 2015

WP: Yale’s president tells minority students: ‘We failed you’

From the WP comments: * Yikes! What are these students majoring in? Insane Hypersensitivity Studies? I thought Yale had eliminated Smug Entitlement 101 as a required course. I feel offended. Apparently, everyone reading this message (or at least Yale’s Dean) … Continue reading

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Does America Have A ‘Deep State’?

I’m surprised that this analyst’s anti-Israel columns haven’t gotten him banned from the MSM. When was the last time premiere political scientists John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt were published in the MSM (and the NYT)? Philip Giraldi, ex-CIA officer, … Continue reading

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French Jews ask ministry to probe incitement at rally against Jewish thinker

It seems to me that anyone who supported the overthrow of Mohammar Qaddafi in Libya deserves condemnation. Europe would not be overrun by millions of Muslim and African migrants if that had not happened. Most Jews of course take no … Continue reading

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Who’s Burning Black Churches? Black Suspects

Michelle Malkin writes: Earlier: Fanning the Flames of Another Black Church Arson Hoax Here we go again: another liberal narrative burned to a crisp. Over a two-week period in October, an arsonist targeted seven churches in the St. Louis area … Continue reading

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The nature of women’s rape fantasies: an analysis of prevalence, frequency, and contents

I think many women love being excused from accountability. If they are forced into sex, they’re not responsible. A female friend told me about the many times she got naked with a guy and ended up, surprisingly, being raped. Abstract: … Continue reading

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