Monthly Archives: November 2015

Novelists Worth A Look

From the Chateau: * Welsh novelist Tessa Hadley writes some fascinating fiction. Her novels tend to be somewhat episodic, like short story collections tenuously strung together, but there are some magnificent anti-feminist insights in them. Her third novel, “The Master … Continue reading

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Joseph Randle – Another Talented Black Man Throwing It All Away

How many times have we seen this type of self-destruction? He should be the leading runner for the Dallas Cowboys, earning millions of dollars a year, but he’s too much of an idiot to hold down that job. REPORT: Still, … Continue reading

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Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice

Published on Nov 2, 2015: Join Bend the Arc and the American Jewish community in pledging to stand against anti-immigrant hatred: It was wrong then. It’s wrong now. Murderer. Rapist. In the last few months, too many American politicians … Continue reading

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How Have Australians Held On To Australia?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’ve thought a lot about why Australians work to maintain their culture. They are unique among all Western nations in doing this. I think it ties into Steve’s theory about how Western culture literally killed … Continue reading

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Rod Dreher: The Fragility of Historical Memory

Rod Dreher writes: A new Pew religious landscape survey is out today, and it shows that 1) overall, America is becoming a less religious country, and 2) the devout are in some ways becoming more devout, and the secularization is … Continue reading

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