Monthly Archives: November 2015

Have You Known A Woman Who Doesn’t Like To Be Spoiled?

Have you ever heard of a guy say, “I don’t like blowjobs?” No. Equivalent for women would be: “Have you ever heard a woman say, I don’t like it when I feel intense emotions or when other people give me … Continue reading

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NYT: Australia Deploys Sheepdogs to Save a Penguin Colony

Friend: “I think the analogy is quite clear. You the Australian convert to Orthodox Judaism and Americanism are trying to protect white Americans from their predatory enemies….” New York Times: “Massacred,” read the banner headline in the local newspaper — … Continue reading

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Paglia: ‘Transgender Mania’ is a Symptom of West’s Cultural Collapse

(–Best-selling feminist author, social critic and self-described “transgender being” Camille Paglia said in an interview last month that the rise of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence and cultural collapse. “Nothing… better defines the decadence of the … Continue reading

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The Case For Secession

Paul Gottfried writes: An astrophysicist who is perhaps best known for his 1979 best-seller (that sold over 50,000 copies) A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in World History, Michael H. Hart (1932-) has just brought out a new work, … Continue reading

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LAT: In historic move, the largest U.S. branch of Judaism backs transgender rights

The Torah has so much to say about transgender rights! Chaim Amalek: “This is the future of American Judaism: multigender bathrooms, sexual fluidity, and all the rest that we see in Torah.” Los Angeles Times: The largest branch of Judaism … Continue reading

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