Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Costly War on Painful Education

Robert Weisberg writes: Pain is inescapably part of life and a pre-requisite to accomplishment (“no pain, no gain”). But, that said, fortunes await those who can promise all the benefits sans any pain—think miracle weight loss pills. Most of these … Continue reading

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Knesset Member Launches Symbolic Campaign to Label European Products to Protest ‘Antisemitic’ Policy

Different groups have different interests. The interests of Jews, Europeans and Muslims conflict. Jews used to call for Palestinians to fight for their cause without violence, but that’s what BDS is — fighting for the Palestinians without violence. Jews don’t … Continue reading

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A Nation Of Immigrants

From JustNotSaid: The other day Ed Gendreau pointed out: “People always say ‘We’re a nation of immigrants’ as a rationale to allow illegal immigrants to stay, find a path to citizenship, and so on. In other words, since we started … Continue reading

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America’s Most Pro-Immigrant Groups

From Breitbart: A new report by the Pew Research Center reveals that views on immigration vary considerably according to religious affiliation, with Muslims and Hindus topping the charts of those who say that increased immigration into the U.S. represents “a … Continue reading

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The Hazards Of Driving While Black

From JustNotSaid: But a quick look at the statistics shows that black people are in far, far more danger from other black people than they are from the police. From 1994 to 2008, 93% of black murder victims were killed … Continue reading

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