Monthly Archives: November 2015

WP: The liberal media has no idea what to make of ‘clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed anymore

Washington Post: Once upon a time (like, two months ago), Ahmed Mohamed was a media sensation on the left, a 14-year-old wunderkind with a Muslim name who brought a homemade clock to his school in Irving, Tex., and was wrongly … Continue reading

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Firewatcher Update

Steve Sailer writes: It’s not well-known, but on 9/11 the death toll included 343 firemen and zero firewomen (who are known to firemen as “firewatchers”). To rectify that, Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder was hired by the FDNY. But, sensibly enough, she probably … Continue reading

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WP: Virginia adds insult to the injury of eugenics

The Washington Post editorializes: FORMER VIRGINIA governor Mark R. Warner (D), now a U.S. senator, took a bold step in 2002 when he became the nation’s first governor to apologize formally for the state’s unspeakably cruel, half-century-long program of forced … Continue reading

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Pride Vs Denial About Heritage

Comment: I don’t think it’s healthy to reject half of your heritage. Be proud of Jewish achievement but acknowledge Jewish vices and past sins without obsessing about them too much. Just as I think for Germans there’s a golden middle … Continue reading

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Young, Male, and Single

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: It sucks being young, male, and single. Don’t think so? Go to the Interactive Singles Map of the United States and see how it looks for the 20 to 39 age group. Almost everywhere single men … Continue reading

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