Monthly Archives: November 2015

Hive Mind: How Your Nation’s IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own

From Over the last few decades, economists and psychologists have quietly documented the many ways in which a person’s IQ matters. But, research suggests that a nation’s IQ matters so much more. As Garett Jones argues in Hive Mind, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: College Football Team Fires University President

Chaim Amalek: “I love everything about this story. Also, that this university president proved to be so weak willed that he let himself be driven out under these circumstances tells us that his departure is no great loss for anyone … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Disappearing Federal Homicide Offenders Racial Ratio

Steve Sailer writes: Back in the previous decade, you could look up on the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics website a convenient graph in HTML form of “homicide offending” trends over time. But the Obama Administration stopped maintaining that website … Continue reading

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Why Is Israel A Low-Trust Society?

As a convert to Judaism, I see tremendous cooperation and trust between Jews. On the other hand, Israel, the Jewish state, is clearly a low-trust society. Why? And if the Jewish state has low trust, does that not argue against … Continue reading

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Forward: What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.

From the Forward: Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people. “Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from … Continue reading

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