Monthly Archives: November 2015

Pornographer Turned Anti-Porn Crusader To Plead No Contest To Felonies With An Under-Age Girls

Donny Pauling’s long rambling confession is here. From Wikipedia: Pauling was arrested Dec. 1, 2014 on three felony sex charges, including unlawful intercourse (statutory rape), after a 16-year-old female told law enforcement that Pauling had ongoing sexual contact with her … Continue reading

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TabletMag Investigates Holocaust Deniers

Mark Oppenheimer begins his 2009 four-part series: “In his long lifetime, James von Brunn—the 88-year-old who earlier this month allegedly shot and killed United States Holocaust Memorial Museum guard Stephen Johns—managed to embody every cliché about the Holocaust-denying anti-Semite: seething … Continue reading

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Does HIAS Set Immigration Policy For Organized Jewry?

From American Thinker: Christian and Jewish charities are at the epicenter of “refugee resettlement.” There’s a lot of money to be made providing services to colonizers (aka “refugees”). And infidels are tripping over themselves to sign on for what will … Continue reading

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I was shocked to hear of a Neocon trying to defang a conservative site by smearing immigration restrictionists

@redstate should just merge with @politico. Hey, @LeonHWolf are you cousins with @JRubinBlogger? From VDARE: Leon Wolf at RedState, who we’ve dealt with before, has what may fairly be called a blood libel against NumbersUSA, FAIR, and other mainstream restrictionist … Continue reading

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I wish I knew where the writer was coming from

Mark Oppenheimer begins: “I had an odd reaction to reading The New York Times obituary of Willis Carto, the tediously loathsome elder statesman of the American anti-Semitic right. He died last Monday at his home in Virginia, leaving behind a … Continue reading

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