Monthly Archives: November 2015

Shutting Down Speech

A friend says: I think it is worth observing with all the goings on about trigger warnings, micro-agressions, hate speech and the like, that the first persons in the 20th Century to claim the right to shut down discussions they … Continue reading

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Paying College Athletes With Sex

CNN: ESPN: Louisville ex-assistant basketball coach paid for recruits’ sex parties (CNN)The school is a perennial powerhouse. It’s one of the biggest and best-known college basketball institutions in the country. Led by head coach Rick Pitino, the Louisville Cardinals won … Continue reading

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Racial Hysteria Triumphs on Campus

Heather Mac Donald writes: The pathological narcissism of American college students has found a potentially devastating new source of power in the sports-industrial complex. University of Missouri president Timothy Wolfe resigned Monday morning in the face of a threatened boycott … Continue reading

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The Dangers Of White Supremacy

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If a White coed gets impregnated by a Black football player but she decides to abort the Black baby, is she considered a KKK White supremacist? After all her White privilege murdered a Black body … Continue reading

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LAT: Jack Yufe dies at 82; he was raised Jewish, his identical twin as a Nazi

One of the great tools for healing from trauma is to realize that if situations and circumstances had been reversed, you likely would have been the perpetrator. LATIMES: It sounded like a tabloid headline: Identical twins separated after birth. One … Continue reading

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