Monthly Archives: November 2015

Surprise! Muslims Hate Jews

From Pew Global: In the predominantly Muslim nations surveyed, views of Jews are largely unfavorable. Nearly all in Jordan (97%), the Palestinian territories (97%) and Egypt (95%) hold an unfavorable view. Similarly, 98% of Lebanese express an unfavorable opinion of … Continue reading

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Oh, wonderful, another “we can’t stop the flow Because Holocaust” essay

Rex Brynen is a professor of political science at McGill University: First, it is important to recognize there is a risk that a small number of extremists might infiltrate refugee flows. Advocates for generous asylum policies — of which I … Continue reading

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The Worst Is To Come

Steven writes: I have this dreadful feeling that a truly apocalyptic act of Islamic terrorism will occur in our lifetimes. A nuclear or biological attack that will kill thousands or hundreds of thousands. This is what ISIS and Al Qaeda … Continue reading

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David Boren: ‘Zero Tolerance Is the Only Way to Stop the Cancer of Racism’

Not a Jew, praise God! Chaim Amalek: “Social control can win the day. Accused racists (and an accusation is as good as trial and conviction in this matter) should be shamed, stripped of health and other social benefits, and then … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter Says Paris Attacks Guarantee Donald Trump’s Presidency

Ann: They can wait if they like until next November for the actual balloting, but Donald Trump was elected president tonight. From the Washington Post: Republican political consultant Alex Castellanos said Trump is the candidate who most speaks to the … Continue reading

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