Monthly Archives: November 2015

Steve Sailer: Charlie Sheen Has HIV; Ronald Reagan to Blame

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Charlie sheen says he’s slept with 5000 women. That means a bunch of the rest of Hollywood is exposed right now. I saw him kiss, for example, Lindsey Lohan on Anger Management (yes transmission through … Continue reading

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They’re Just Looking Out For America!

“Finally, in the area of immigration, Agudath Israel urges that American borders continue to be open to Jewish and other refugees who seek to come to the United States after escaping from oppressive political environments. The United States is a … Continue reading

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What Americans thought of Jewish refugees on the eve of World War II

A friend says: “There seems to be some serious misunderstanding about life for Jews in Germany. The restrictions placed on Jews were no worse than those on Blacks in the South under Jim Crow laws. That is not to diminish … Continue reading

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WSJ: Charges Announced in J.P. Morgan Hacking Case

From the Wall Street Journal: In one of the biggest cybercrimes in history, federal prosecutors say, three men stole data on more than 100 million people from a dozen companies’ computers and used a vast global network of accomplices to … Continue reading

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ISIS Is Islam

ISIS is not the only form of Islam but it is fair dinkum authentic Islam. Robert writes on FB: Good to know: al-Azhar University (Cairo) refuses to deem ISIS terrorists as heretics. Al-Azhar is the closest equivalent for Sunni Islam … Continue reading

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