Monthly Archives: November 2015

What Makes For National Prosperity?

Jayman writes: Here’s some of the factors that don’t matter: Size (see Japan [large], Finland [small], and any number of small dysfunctional countries) Diversity *per se* (e.g. Switzerland [diverse], Albania [homogenous], China [homogenous]) Resources (e.g. Arab oil states [resource rich], … Continue reading

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Orthodox Union says let Syrian refugees in as House votes for constraints

I heard one Jew gripe about the below: “Think of all the federal security money OU congregations will get after a couple of isolated incidents. Also incidents are good for Kiruv!” WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Orthodox Union joined an array … Continue reading

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My Emotional Range

I’m told I have an emotional range between Nazi commandant and a robot. Chaim Amalek: “I’ve met Luke on numerous occasions and in varied settings. This is an act. He is one of the most emotional men I’ve ever met, … Continue reading

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South Africa: 49 Murders a Day

Chaim Amalek: “Nebech! As compelling an argument as can be made for allowing any South African refugee from violence who wants it a place in the USA or Germany.” REPORT: In what some politicians have described as a “war zone,” … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer writes: In thinking about immigration and migration, I could not care less whether someone filled out the paperwork correctly or passed a civics exam. I oppose the immigration of an African who waits his turn and genuinely “wants … Continue reading

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