Monthly Archives: November 2015

Steve Sailer: Obama: “That’s Not American. … We Don’t Have Religious Tests to Our Compassion.” Except Lautenberg Amendment

Steve Sailer writes: …refugee eligibility has sometimes been determined based on religion/ethnicity, most famously in the Save Soviet Jews law of the early 1970s that went on well after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This is not exactly obscure … Continue reading

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Stupid Hoaxes On Campus

Steve Sailer writes: A particularly discomfiting aspect of the temper tantrums blacks are currently throwing on campuses is that their alleged causes, such as Halloween costumes and KKK invasions, are so embarrassingly unintelligent. Consider Thursday’s contretemps at Harvard Law School: … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Jonathan Pollard, all-around terrible person

Steve Sailer writes in 2014: It’s testament to the power of insisting upon your version of The Narrative over and over that easily looked-up facts about the traitor Jonathan Pollard can simply be ignored. For example, rather than being an … Continue reading

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The Flight from White: Administration to Entitle Arabs to Affirmative Action Benefits

Steve Sailer writes: It’s obviously nuts for Republicans, as the de facto White Party, to agree to shrink the number of de jure whites, but Republicans never seem to get this. When you make people eligible for minority business development … Continue reading

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Pre-K Is Worthless

Gregory Cochran writes: There was a nice study of pre-K in Tennessee. People applied for pre-K , more than could be accommodated, so some were admitted (randomly) and some were not. Then the kids admitted were compared with the control … Continue reading

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