Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Cuban Invasion

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Cubans in Miami have always looked down on “Anglos” as well – the same Anglos who took them in when they had nowhere else to go. Even the white(r) ones. White(r) Cubans who look down … Continue reading

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Femen = George Soros Holocaust Revenge Porn

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Student diversity officer who allegedly tweeted ‘kill all white men’ quits over claim she bullied union president

From Daily Mail: A student diversity officer arrested when she allegedly tweeted #KillAllWhiteMen has quit her role after being accused of bullying a colleague. Bahar Mustafa – student union welfare and diversity officer at Goldsmiths University, London – announced today … Continue reading

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Don’t Bet on the Harvard Law School ‘Hate Crime’

Heather Mac Donald writes: There are few student species more nakedly ambitious, focused, and future-oriented than the average Harvard law student. Having likely spent his undergraduate years planning admissions maximization strategies, he now has the Holy Grail almost within his … Continue reading

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