Daily Archives: October 20, 2015

WP: Asian Americans speak out against a decades-old ‘model minority’ myth

Yanan Wang writes in the Washington Post: A column published over a week ago in the New York Times began with what the writer calls “an awkward question”: “Why are Asian Americans so successful in America?” Nicholas Kristof is no … Continue reading

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WP: S.F. middle school delays election results because winners not diverse enough

Washington Post: When Everett held its election three days later, its principal promptly refused to release the results, saying she was concerned that the winners were not diverse enough. While she would ultimately relent and release the results, her decision … Continue reading

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LAT: Why Iowa’s graduation rate is so much higher than California’s

Such a mystery. I just can’t figure it out. From LATimes.com: It’s hard to know exactly what’s going on with the numbers, Howard said. “We gotta dig deep to figure out what’s at play.” I went to Wikipedia and looked … Continue reading

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