Monthly Archives: October 2015

How Has Cyprus Avoided The Islamic Migrant Stampede?

Link: “A recent article in Reuters sheds some insight on why Cyprus has avoided the fate of the Greek island of Kos, Malta, the Hungarian border, and other EU fringes: …[A]ccording to a dozen refugees and migrants interviewed this summer, … Continue reading

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Send African migrants to Australia?

Jerusalem Post: MK Danny Danon (Likud) asked Australian MP Michael Danby on Wednesday to propose, in parliament in Canberra, sending African migrants from Israel to Australia. Danon and Danby discussed the issue during the Australian politician’s visit to Israel for … Continue reading

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Immigration Vs National Projects

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The last time America restricted immigration, it also had the New Deal, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Great Society. But for some reason, progressives are unable to see the connection between ethnic homogeneity and … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: People Who Think They Are Not White: Rabbi Tells Jews to Cut Up Their White Privilege Cards

Steve Sailer writes: Individuals respond to incentives, so it’s not surprising to observe an ongoing Flight from White currently. This is in contrast to the Flight Toward White in the mid-20th Century. For example, the Census Bureau didn’t separately count … Continue reading

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