Monthly Archives: October 2015

Latin America’s Flight From Black

Dennis Prager was thrilled the day his son David told him that he wanted to grow up to be black. Comment: Latin America has the reverse situation of North America and that is the flight from Blackness. Among Latin Americans … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Putin Garners Strange, New Respect by Dropping Bombs on the Middle East

Steve Sailer writes: “That’s just what a respectable country does: it drops bombs on the Middle East. So if the Russians are bombing some country in the the Middle East, then they must be, when you stop and think about … Continue reading

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The Double Standard On Immigrant Killers

Comment: Today Salvadorian immigrant serial killer Alfredo Prieto was executed by Virginia. I just read about 10 MSM articles about him. When white people kill, the MSM always wants to discuss how this proves white people are collectively evil. When … Continue reading

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The Holocaust in American Life

Why does the Holocaust play such a large role in American life? And is that a good thing? American Jewish historian Peter Novick writes in his book The Holocaust in American Life: …Serb’s central memory, the lost Battle of Kosovo … Continue reading

Posted in ADL, America, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Jews, Simon Wiesenthal | Comments Off on The Holocaust in American Life

Hookers For Muslim Immigrants

Link: The pastor’s motto is “free love for free people.” In this way Bordello owners can perform “good works” also. Because in the afternoon at bordellos not much is happening, so that would be a good time to help those, … Continue reading

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